A 2023 revision to the Special Consideration Policy removed the “fit to sit” clause for students undertaking an exam. Instead, the policy explains in Section 2 (13) “that only under exceptional circumstances will a student who has already submitted an assessment or sat for an examination be considered for a second opportunity to undertake the affected assessment”.
Familiarise yourself with the revised advice for students
Examination conduct and conditions (to replace ‘Fit to Sit and examination conditions’) updated advice for students:
1. You should only attempt an exam if you are well enough to do so. Note: Special Consideration is not normally granted if an exam has already been attempted. If you are unfit/unable to attempt the exam due to an eligible disruption, please do not attempt the exam. For information regarding Special Consideration and how attempting an exam will impact your application, refer to the Special Consideration webpage
2. In the event of illness or significant disruptions during an examination, you must promptly cease your work. If the incident occurs in an invigilated exam setting, you must inform the supervisor or invigilator immediately. If the disruption takes place outside an invigilated setting (e.g. non-invigilated timed assessment), it should be reported immediately to the appropriate course authority. Subsequently, you should promptly consult the Special Consideration webpage to review the FAQs and eligibility requirements and follow the steps to apply.
3. If you attempt an exam or timed assessment without reporting any issues during the assessment process to the supervisor or invigilator (in the case of invigilated exam) or appropriate course authority (unit convenor for example in the case of non-invigilated exam) and then apply for Special Consideration based on illness during the exam, the application will generally not be considered.
Updated advice to students is now displaying in iLearn
Any Session 1 2024 units which had the old ‘fit to sit’ wording showing on the iLearn site have now been updated with the new advice for students outlined above.
Key links
- Special Consideration Policy
- Special Consideration Procedure
- Special Consideration information for students website
Banner image: Created by Kylie Coaldrake using Copilot
Post compiled by Kylie Coaldrake
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